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Tuesday 2 June 2015

Quickfire first thoughts on upcoming series of 2015 trailers.

The Magicians

I've heard that this is a very popular book series and although I was initially worried about the teen-potential of the show watching the trailer really changed my mind in a big way. The editing and the effects of this show has serious impact and shows itself off so well in the trailer which leaves me breathless and wanted to play it again. It reminds me of a cross between Hemlock grove in style and in atmosphere and Harry Potter and these happen to be two things I really adore. The dialogue is extremely on point and it doesn't strike me as show which is going to stick to just teen angst entirely. I like it a lot and I have high hopes. Take a watch of the trailer and tell me what you think.
Coming Soon Syfy 2015


Now this is an exciting TV show I can't wait to see. Humans, the concept of, and artificial intelligence is something which is steadily making a comeback into creations such as this show. Examples which spring to mind is the like of Extant, an amazon prime series which became available last year and something which shares a seriously similar name 'Almost Human' which looks into a recovering detective who has to endure a prosthetic leg and a partner made from android technology. Humans, looking very grittily british and slightly on the doctor who crossed over with outnumbered vibe like it could be called 'Our robot sister' looks so promising. I love the music, I love the cinematics, and the themes which are already beginning to emerge from the trailer. I like the already establishing strong bonds which we see in the trailer which is a contrast to the usual human struggle with the idea (which the trailer shows) but it indicates the many ways everything becomes entangled. There's a degree of creepiness and mystery and although it's a new topic, I think I am going to like it a lot and it's going to bring something new.
Coming Soon 14th June, 2015 Channel 4

The Astronaut Wives Club

I've been looking forward to this for a long time because I'm a fan of the minatue of important events. The role of women probably seems redundant to a lot of people and it's not something we haven't seen before but when something's true, it's true and the insight of how these women forced into celebrity (following footsteps of series like the good wife) is fascinating. Women left behind and being something different to how they are perceived is rich with television material but there is room.
The trailer strikes me as something really mixed. On one hand, I see kitsch desperate housewives featuring Kimmy Schmidt on the other hand I want to see it be reminiscent of all the great shows which it could be like (Mad Men, Masters of Sex). Something about it still makes me excited. 
Coming Soon June 16th, 2015 ABC

Scream Queens

As a huge fan of Ryan Murphy's American Horror story, I welcome everything he makes with relish. 'Scream Queens' as a name felt like a strange choice and Emma Roberts as the same character as she always was is was something which made me thinking about watching it with caution. The whole cast with teen favourites feels unnecessary and you've got to hand it to them, fun for people who enjoy seeing those people. Was stereotypes like a brace necessary? Could they have gone for a more realistic approach? Does the protagonist have to hate them all?
The trailer is teeming with Ryan Murphy style that I like a lot. The soriority focus is something which flashes the TV show 'Greek' crossed with any american movie which I hope that is the point and what the show is going to turn upside down and thank god that's what the second half of the trailer gave. I can't help but see the formula of AHS Coven rehashed and for now, it doesn't seem like there is much to it but a really simplified version of the bad parts. I probably won't be watching this but it will be interesting to see how it's received. The lawnmower scene was a favourite shot but I struggle to find anything else and that frustrates me.
Coming Soon September, 2015 Fox


The trailer really tries hard to solidify a building tension to rival opponents which have fed to the notion of ordinary people finding something superhuman happening to them. 
Although the concept of Sense8 seems interesting, it's not completely unique. There have been characters in the past who have displayed similar powers and you could even go as far to say that Orphan Black although very different, is sort of the same when stripped back.
What makes shows like Heroes so successful is that there are multiple and varied powers. Sense8 seems to dismantle that which could either be risky or a selling point. Sense8 could be interesting because we aren't often presented with how different people react to the same powers and the more I watch, the more opportunities and complexities which might be covered. Can each body be independent? What happens if multiple die? I can't tell if the characters are likeable yet or if they're unlikable in a fascinating way. The characters seem like they were hand picked generically from a go-to selection but without character depth and back stories known there isn't any true indication of whether that's the case or not. Sayid Jarrah is a nice touch although seems to be playing as himself but he is a very great actor 
can be exceptional when given the right fit. (Lost, for example.)  
Could timing of Heroes Reborn potentially ruin Sense8 or will it take the crown unexpectedly?
Coming Soon, June 5th Netflix